Heads Up: 5 Must-knows for New Investors
I went BIG for my first real estate investment. The down payment mirrored my life-savings. Just like that, I was instantly broke and uneasy about my finances.
Lesson #1: Don't place all your eggs in one basket. Have reserves.
Fortunately, my investment was cash-flowing and I officially became an entrepreneur.
Still not in the best place financially, I planned to move forward with another deal.
I didn't hesitate to ask for a loan. Friends, family, banks. Denied, denied, DENIED. I had no lending credibility.
Lesson #2: No one is obligated to give you money. Earn it with work, knowledge, associations, and credibility.
My goal remained delayed until I went to a networking event. A seasoned investor spoke about creative financing.
Sounded great, so I investigated:
- business credit
- cash-out refinancing
- master leasing
- seller financing
All methods I now considered options.
Lesson #3: Take advantage of FREE resources. Internet searches, downloadable documents, and networking events.
Back in action! However, I had no deals. Solely focused on financing, I placed no effort into actively pursuing a deal.
Lesson #4: Success is not linear. Work on goals simultaneously.
Long story short, I closed on my 2nd deal a year later. A year later! But everything worked out well. So no complaints. The lesson here..
Things may not happen as planned. Commit to the end-goal and you will earn the result you desire.