Would you buy a foreclosure property, sight-unseen?
Hello BP community! This is my first blog on this site. I hope you find it informative.
I have been buying foreclosure auction properties in the State of Illinois since 2009. In Illinois, you are generally not entitled to inspect properties before the auction sale takes place. That left me with the proposition of making cash bids on properties simply based on the information that I can gather from public records and from driving by the properties.
I was able to tolerate more-than-average risk when purchasing the foreclosures, because I figured that I was still pretty secured buying real estate. No matter what the condition of the inside was, or who was occupying the property, I always budgeted for the worse and made sure that I have enough leeway to evict the occupants and renovate the interior, leaving enough room for profit. And since I am a licensed attorney and real estate broker, I am able to handle a majority of the aspects of my real estate transaction, providing myself with considerable savings.So the question stands. Would you buy a foreclosure property, sight-unseen? What is your experience with foreclosure sales? Thanks for reading.