Emotional VS. Intelectual Appeal To Sellers
Thursday, June 09
Writing an Offer LetterFinding a perfect balance between emotional intelligence and intellectual intelligence could be the deciding factor on whether or not your offer on that perfect home will be accepted or not.We are in a market where a well priced home is not only being sold in a matter of da...
What "Professionals" Do You Trust With Your Investment Deal?
Thursday, May 12
Who should you be taking advice from about an investment deal? So many “professionals” you have access to want to give you their tools and their advice.The problem is that a lot of times, these professionals have a lot to gain from you jumping in. Property Management CompaniesI know this topic is...
Market Trends- Quit Chasing them and Start Making Them
Monday, May 09
If any of you have been have looking to get in to or expand in the Minneapolis area multi family market you have undoubtedly noticed that is getting insane! Everyone wants to be in Real Estate right now. Investing in real property is quickly becoming trendy. From the growing popularity of sites l...