Now is the time to buy.....
Are you waiting for the bottom of the real estate market to come? Well, it’s time to get of your perch and look around. That’s right, get out of the nest and start swooping down to take advantage of the greatest buying opportunity of the decade and maybe your lifetime!
We are well underway as of September 2008 of the implosion of the real estate market, Nation-wide. That’s right! It’s Nation-wide. This subprime meltdown is not limited to Florida, Arizona, California or Nevada. It’s insidious and it’s everywhere. It started in the areas of the greatest explosion of real estate values but has now crept into every corner of the U.S. Why? Because people can’t sell their existing property to buy another and we are experiencing a collapse in our credit market.
Guess what? If people can’t sell what they have, they can’t buy what they want. If first time homeowners can’t obtain financing because of the tightened credit restrictions and the removal of down payment assistance, then they can’t buy! Oh yeah, thank you congress for eliminating down payment assistance to home buyers as of October 1, 2008! This will further prolong the slump as the inventory of properties on the market will pile up as less home buyers are qualified to buy.
Is this bad? If you have to sell it’s bad! If you’re an investor looking for bargains, now is the time. It’s your perspective of the market that will determine your actions. In my case, it’s a fantastic time to swoop in and find bargains.
There is a plethora of short sales and REO properties on the market along with sellers that want the convenience of a fast sale. But guess what? These sellers that want a fast sale in a real estate market with fewer buyers makes for a great opportunity for investors to buy inexpensively for cash or for seller-held financing.
Most investors of every kind, including stack investors, never get out at the exact top or bottom of a market. Take action now and buy properties while others can’t at prices and terms that allow you to make a profit in today’s market.
Comments (1)
Can't agree more. Seems like beeting a dead horse, but many of us investors, including myself, keep repeating the same message: Now is the time to Buy! What additional clues or signs are people waiting for? Get off the fence and take advantage of teh most incredible buying opportunity of our lifetime.
Will Barnard, over 16 years ago