Co-Author's Wanted for New Book
I have an interest in the mutifamily and/commercial property area of real estate and with this in mind the book cover with the book /eBook/flip book will be created as deals in real time which will need a co-author(s) as mentor(s). I have already decided who that might be for the book and it would align with creating a syndicate where co-authors can imput their experience(s) in the chapter (to be written)
Once the book gets published a "share" of the profit would be dispersed to all who participate in the long-term project that unfolds. The title is based on Fannie Mae' rsearch on multufamily for 2015 and of course related to finding the motivated seller and why the baby boomer and echo boomer AKA millennials are down sizing from a home to an apartment http://www.fanniemae.com/resources/file/research/emma/pdf/MF_Market_Commentary_072315.pdf
So along with testimonies are factual data obtained from various sources that would be identified in the appendix. For now I hope to connect with individuals who would like to be as a participating co author