BiggerPockets for Deeper Pockets
As a pro with Bigger Pockets my interest (compound) is about making sure that everyone has a fair chance at doing real estate that as an individual web developer and mobile app designer/mental health counselor - health and wealth industry; my company is successful as I work in people's home to deliver health services as stress management as a natural approach deep muscle relaxation. But this is not what this blog will discuss about.
What I am about to tell you and maybe sell you but I will not yell at you is this...if your personal credit file is only worth the price of used toilet paper because you have not done a deal one which is less than one whole dollar (I am in the same boat); I decided to look at how the FICO score is not the solution but really the problem since time is of the essence in any real estate deal and although you desire good credit the uninformed real estate investor will not receive this information from a guru or guru wannabee on how to improve your business credit...they would have you start your investment business (not hobby) by using a hard money loan, or a venture capital...these guys are the last resort for individuals with a less than perfect personal credit profile.
By doing real estate investing you have in essence a business and as a business you need to get access to a line of credit. Have you considered since real estate is a business that is done full-time part-time anytime for that matter what a beginner might want to do first is build business credit and shake hands with suppliers and other vendors that will help your real estate business grow. This would require an alternative to having excellent personal credit; your goal and objectives would be in creating another profile that registers with the a new clearing house -- a credit bureau as Dun and Bradstreet regarding a DUNS number...and rightly so since now what is significant is the Paydex number which can be substituted for the FICO score.
Of course no one will tell you this because the gurus and their cohorts first sell you information that is rather basic...enough information is spoon fed and yes you will make mistakes by applying for hard money loans and pay a high interest because your FICO score is less than 600. You probably will need to go through at least fifty hard money lenders..just to hear the word NO and you will hear from these predators pedalling their software...
Why? every time you apply for any loan the interest will be a reflection of your !@#$%^&*(() FICO score. No More! I tell you! I have found the solution on how to obtain business credit I could become a money co-broker (first I would need to build a business profile; get a DUNS number and earn a Paydex score). However, it all begins with first admitting that you are unworthy as an individual; but by becoming incorporated as an limited liability company (LLC) in your state or Nevada -- a flexible entity can be created to receive the assistance of another company that has helped over 33,000 business' get an excellent business credit profile that is equivalent to a 750 - 800 FICO score.