MITS Pages Stands for My Internet Traffic Solution
I am called the White Hat Specialist…And you thought real estate investing would be a breeze…well it is... as an investor if you are not a "virtual" business as much as you are a brick-n-mortar home based operation than you need to read this blog...then you either can put it on the back burner or choose to take action on how you can save oodles of hard earned money usually your overhead expenses (e.g., direct marketing through bandit signs, yellow letters made of paper material that usually exceed one's budget).
Only through Internet marketing protocols and keyword research will you generate
"massive" targeted motivated sellers using the Internet as "virtual real estate."
As an entrepreneur the many hats that you will wear when you become a real estate investor/Internet marketer can NOW be compartmentalized as the following divisions in any business infrastructure. Why? Internet marketing reduced my overhead expenses from nearly $1000 to a fraction of the cost for direct marketing per se and why you want to duplicate this business model...
As a real estate investor/Internet marketer extraordinaire; myself used direct marketing which is necessary to communicate with sellers and buyers and key professionals (attorney, title company, etc.); however, the cost for doing this way is astronomical. I NOW promote a “Virtual Cooperative Network” through Prosperity Central -- a virtual office http://www.prosperitycentral.com and use two mobile-optimized web sites: http://www.wix.com and http://www.mitspages.com where I can create "real-time real state communications on automatic or in laymen's term ROCK-N-ROLL...who likes driving stick?
You see the magic unfolds when you "drive traffic" to your virtual real estate property -- translated as a virtual cooperative network. Why? seamless communication nationally and internationally...globally...
A Cost-Effective Solution for Doing Drive Buys Locally Is Retrofitting YOUR Physical Vehicle By Creating A Virtual and "Mobile" Office To Reduce Fixed Overhead Expenses...
Check all areas that apply and I will provide feedback for free so that an Internet protocol can be identified for maximizing your exposure as a real estate investor that will work for you as a sales funnel.
These are are found in every business whether a brick-n-mortar home based operation or a virtual cooperative network. In each box just say "yes" or "no" then copy and paste and send it via email and I will respond in 24-48 hours --- a 2 day delay --- because I will be also in the field prospecting from my mobile office; simultaneously working with patient's in their homes...which allows me to locate potential properties in a 50-mile radius. Go to my web site or send me an email request FREE!
Banking / Business Credit Computer Services / Hardware / Software Employee Benefits Employment / Tax Services Equipment Financial Services HR / Personnel Services Internet Services Legal Services Maintenance Marketing / Advertising Services Meeting Accommodations Office Services / Moving Print / Copy / Photo Services Raw Materials / Components Real Estate Services Shipping / Mail Services Telecommunications Training Travel / Transportation 727-643-8690 http://pyramu007.wix.com/creativewealth [email protected]If you prefer something in paper send the form to the address to below; save your hard earned money for your deals by using Internet marketing protocols. The web site is just a sample Virtual Cooperative Network that you can customize with your demograhics and pychographics...become a vested partner in the my book soon to be published that embellishes this and more...
Telephone No.___________________________________
Creative Wealth Investors 50 8th Ave. SW, Largo, FL 33779