FINDING THE MOTIVATED SELLER: free tools and social media web sites
As you know my favorite past time is research and well what I am about to expose for free that no guru or guru-wannabee will ever reveal to the beginner in real estate will be how he/she is marketing his/her real estate business. YES that is RIGHT -- treat it like a business and not a hobby -- does that mean going full time... not necessarily just start using time money leveraging strategies for offline and online promotions as a synergy -- synchronized energy!!!
Wait you say... that will cost an arm and a leg...YES YOU ARE RIGHT! if you continue to follow a GURU; which he/she really IS supposed to be a leader but he/she does not really want to divulge their knowledge which has power. Similar to the "Golden Rule" He/she who has the Gold makes the Rules...YES???
As the White Hat Specialist I started an ePublishing company in 2007 while as a student working towards a Ph.D. degree in Health Psychology since I had heard one can get discounts if one markets as a publishing company so I founded White Hat Publications and used my proclaimed nickname of "White Hat Specialist" which is about integrity and accountability that GURUS, real estate agents and broker do not seem to convey to John or Joan Q. Public in fact can you say "fraud" which sometimes but not always are deceptive practices. I was guilty of that when I had to persaude... no manipulate...no coerce individuals in getting sub-prime loans to purchase a home. Lucky that the real estate bubble burst in 2008. I got out... unfortunately those that had subprime loans were in a bad situation...so no more...enough is enough!
This blog is about how the beginner and seasoned pro can use FREE tools such as Google's SERP and tools such as SEO keyword marketing strategies on the Internet which are powerful time savers for identifying the motivated seller. In fact when I used the keyword "motivate seller" I generated 199 web sites can you imagine using a compound word phrase like "motivated sellers and free and clear" Here are the results with just "motivated seller." I am no expert in real estate because each deal is different but look at how this may narrow the gap:
Neil Patel, from http://www.QuickSprouts.com , did a case study that he called . In this study he created two test homepages, one being almost 1300 words and the other being about 500 words. Both of the homepages had an opt-in form at the bottom. This is what he discovered…I also used the keyword motivated seller to get web sites that promote their stuff to attract motivated sellers. Nevertheless the keyword to consider is a SERP as the following headline. BTW the results of the survey:
The long content converted 7.6 percent better then the shorter
The leads resulting from the long content proved to be of better quality
The long content boosted conversions and SERPs
SERP 101: All About Search Engine Results PagesThere are millions of pages on the web, but none are more important to digital marketers than search engine results pages, or SERPs.
Search engine optimization specialists and PPC advertisers alike vie for the same precious real estate in the most prominent parts of the SERPs, but competition is fierce and technological developments in search mean it’s more important than ever for digital marketers to know how search works and what they can do to maximize their visibility.
The tool is FREE
Here are my results when I used the keyword “motivated seller” Count them and then use them to your advantage...BTW I expound on this topic (there are 14 Internet marketing strategies that are discussed in the book:
The Psychographics and Demographics of the Motivated Seller:
Source: https://serps.com/tools/rank-checker/
Comments (2)
Raymond, thanks for the SERP tool tip. This is awesome!! I found out one of my sites is #9 & #1 for certain keywords, but for another keyword its zilch! I'll be correcting that.
James Green, over 8 years ago
I still need motivated Bigger Pocket members to add value to the book. I could easily go to all these web sites join them and find motivated members, but I would rather have Bigger Pockets provide valuable content since the other sites (199) are premium sites that promote a product/service. Therefore as a Pro-member myself (not yet with a deal). I would like to honor new and existing Pro-members who have had success by adding their stories on different strategies used to close their first deal.
Raymond Ebbeler, almost 9 years ago