Which Types of Real Estate to Invest In
Tuesday, August 07
When a person says they are a real estate investor it can mean any number of things. There are many different types of real estate, and many different ways to invest. Which way is best is for you, really depends are your particular needs.Here is a checklist of 15 different types of real estate ...
Tips for Buying an Overseas Vacation Home
Monday, July 30
The dream of owning a family vacation home in some sun-drenched overseas location is one the majority of us share, and because real estate proves itself time and again as a solid long term investment commodity, many more people are committing to purchasing real estate abroad as an investment that...
Why You Should Ignore Trends In Real Estate
Friday, July 20
Many people tend to get caught up in real estate trends reported in magazines, newspapers and on television. This is not a wise idea.With the advent of the Internet, you can learn just about anything on a particular subject. While access to information is usually a positive development, things ...
How to Qualify for the Best Rate on Your Mortgage or Refinance
Friday, July 13
We hear every day how important it is to own real estate. What we don’t hear is how to make sure we get the best rate possible and save ourselves thousands and thousands of dollars over the term of our mortgage. Not everyone is blessed with the best credit and a huge down payment. So, how does...
What to Look for in a Neighborhood When Buying Investment Properties
Tuesday, June 26
I often get asked the question, “What do I look for in a neighborhood?”My answer is always the same. “Easy. Value!”I usually get a strange look, but it’s true. In a neighborhood, I am looking for clues to assess the value of the property, plain and simple.Well, maybe not so plain and simple, I...
Why Real Estate Investors Have Their Own Investment Criteria
Monday, June 18
Writing down your real estate investment criteria means clearly defining your real estate investing needs and wants. But, more than that, it spells out exactly what kind of a real estate opportunities you are targeting to succeed. Having specific written criteria keeps you on track, can help you...