Introduction - Hi! I'm Todd Aaron... Hopeful Real Estate Investor
Hi everyone... or actually anyone who may be bored enough to be spending their valuable time reading this blog. I am Todd Aaron and I am new to Real Estate Investing.
I am writing this blog for several reasons.
One - So that I can sort of record my journey into this to know where I've been later when I look back...
Two - Because I always respect those who I have looked to in their success and found that they documented the steps they took to get there and left them as a sort of story for others to read who may be interested later...
Three - because I sometimes have an overwhelming desire to share information that I have learned and experiences that I have had, and if I write it here, maybe I can keep from losing friends and relatives by not boring them with any of this...
Ok, enough of that...
I'll give you a little background into what I have been doing up to this point.
Previously I was just telling myself that I would like to invest in real estate one day, and never really taking it as serious as I should. It was more of a dream that I really did not know how to move forward with, and I was not motivated to move in that direction. I didn't realize I had become stagnant and complacent and was just existing day by day, month by month ,year by year... never really making any forward progress.
To make a long story short, I have become friends with a family who, it turns out, owns a couple of income properties and I ended up helping them get the properties ready for renters a couple of times, doing repairs and even remodeling a kitchen and doing some other more involved carpentry and trim work and learning about rules for my state concerning rentals as they did, which really caught my attention when I realized that they were not experts in owning income properties... they had just gained a little knowledge and jumped in. Seeing this motivated me to take a more serious look at giving it a try.
Since I became more serious about investing in real estate, I have started researching and reading and gathering as much information as possible. I have taken much longer than i should have to prepare. All the while, I have been saving up for a down payment and using some tactics to give myself better credit.
I listened to tons of podcasts, watched videos, read up and did research on Bigger Pockets. Eventually my friends came to me and told me that I was spending too much time preparing and not enough time doing.
Next time I'll talk about moving into the next phase!
Welcome to the blog. Enjoy!!!