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What have I been doing these last 3 years?

Monday, September 23

So... Best laid plans, yadda yadda.. Hi BP, it's been a while.  But, in my defense, I've been doing stuff.  Hit a lull in my ability to move further for a bit, so turned to education.  Started listening to the podcast again and have taken some notes on what I'll want to look for when I get starte...

It's been a while

Sunday, May 22

I was plowing through the Arizona alerts I had here today and noticed it'd been 2 months since I'd written something.  *whoops*Where am I at today?  Still reading/learning.   Some personal things changed a bit to disadvantage my retirement dreams - while simultaneously improving my ability to do ...

Getting Started

Tuesday, April 05

Hello BP!I'm excited to start writing a bit about my journey in REI.  I'm a total novice, knowing next to nothing other than what I hear from friends, have read on the BP Blog, and slowly start to find out as I progress through this journey.  I hope to use this blog for a few things- Detail out m...