"Persist....press on....don't give up"
Thursday, April 21
"Persist....press on....don't give up"You have heard this advice a million times as a kid. Its easy to agree...but much harder to implement.No matter how bad things get...don't ever give up. Exhaust every possible avenue because you just never know how close you are to turning things around.The l...
Why Note Investing is the new Fix N Flip
Tuesday, April 12
Like most people I started out in RE. I was buying SFH's and renting them out. It was a great business. I bought most of the homes in 2010 and 2011 in nice areas in AZ and FL. They rented fast and were a nice sideline to my day job. Then the problems started!After about 40 units I found it very t...
The new skill set every RE investor needs to learn in 2016
Sunday, April 03
Reading through the forums on BP it seems that fix'n flip is getting tougher: too many people chasing too few deals. Buy-and-hold doesn't seem to work either. Home prices are going up faster than rents - so margins are getting squeezed. I'm down to my last 4 rentals and judging by the number of y...