Biggest Little City isn't so Little Anymore!!!
Thursday, May 26
By Fred MyerI don't know about anyone else but I continue to be amazed at what I'm seeing going on in our town. There are so many exciting new projects going up and I'm talking rehab not new! I really like to see this because Reno has so many older buildings with a rich history that have good bo...
The Benefits of Private Financing
Wednesday, May 11
The Benefits of Private Financingby Fred MyerWe don't hear much about seller financing today as we have in the past, rates are low and buyers and even sellers forget about the benefits they can provide. Some deals won't get done without it.First with a private or seller finance deal you as the fi...
A Bold Vision For Downtown Reno's West 2nd District
Wednesday, May 04
A Bold Vision For Downtown Reno's West 2nd DistrictBy Fred MyerThe west side of downtown has been neglected for many years, seeing this kind of development project come along is almost as exciting as seeing the Tesla/ Switch project show up in Northern Nevada. This is a big shot of adrenaline for...
To Buy or Lease
Wednesday, April 27
To Buy or Leaseby Fred MyerWhen it comes to your business you can find yourself up against some tough decisions, and whether to buy or lease your commercial space is definitely one of those decisions. We have a very dynamic real estate market right now in Northern Nevada, vacancy is dropping very...
Commercial Come Back
Wednesday, April 20
Commercial Come Backby Fred MyerWe are very excited to be a part of the commercial real estate industry in Reno NV. Commercial properties in Northern Nevada are turning a big corner and we are starting to see "The whole perception of investing in Reno change" according to many in the business, i...
Myer Realty's take on the state of Investment Rental Market
Tuesday, April 12
By Fred MyerWe at Myer Realty really do get a birds eye view when it comes to the state of the investment rental market. Homes are becoming more of a challenge to purchase and manage for a larger and larger segment of our society! We have a huge portion of our population that no longer feels the ...