How I.D.E.A.L. is Your Approach to Investing?
Howtobuyusarealestate.com is a great website/blog to visit for investing tips. One that stuck out to me was called, “Why Real Estate is the I.D.E.A.L. passive investment.” This post introduces people to the idea of the I.D.E.A.L. acronym. It stands for Income, Deductions, Equity, Appreciation, and Leverage. This acronym is used to describe five wealth building principles to find an investment that will fit an investor’s specific goals. Some of these, particularly deductions and equity, are often forgotten benefits that can do a lot to increase the viability of the investment. Tax deductions can help preserve money, and building equity can be a benefit especially if the investor is looking to sell. This acronym is an effective way to decide if an investment is worth the time when comparing all of the factors to the investor’s exit strategy. Many investors can feel overwhelmed in the beginning of the process and following the I.D.E.A.L. acronym can help to give new investors, or new to real estate investors, solid ground to begin their research. There are multiple ways to invest in real estate and the I.D.E.A.L. acronym can work for all of them. At KC Metro Homes we specialize in providing turnkey long-term buy and hold investment property. We can help investors find their I.D.E.A.L. investment.