Remember Why You Started
Everyone knows Simon Sinek's famous TED talk presentation, "Start with Why." Remember the feeling you had the first time you saw it? Do you still feel it now? If so, great. If not, you are in the majority. This post is just a general post to inspire a boost in your motivation for investing and to keep you excited about it.
"People often say that motivation doesn't last, well neither does bathing - That's why we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar.
It's easy to be inspired, but it's harder to hold onto it. When the idea of real estate investing first enters the mind, it's easy to let the excitement of the idea itself fuel your productivity, but it's important to prepare for the not so exciting parts. Real estate is one of the most proven investment strategies, but it is not always easy. Sometimes you hit speed bumps that can slow down your progress, but that's OK!
Investing in real estate requires an entrepreneurial outlook and it's important to exercise your motivation and continue your education on the topic. "Just because you aren't making progress as fast as you think you should does not mean you aren't making progress. Keep going. " - Than Merrill.
If you need to boost your progress, or just want to get our opinion on investment strategies, give us a shout. We truly love what we do. We are self-proclaimed real estate nerds and just enjoy talking about investing in real estate. ESPECIALLY IN KANSAS CITY!
Why did we start providing turnkey properties? Because we love providing an opportunity for our clients to create the lifestyle they desire. Because we love helping investors grow their portfolio. Because we love communicating with like-minded individuals. Most of all, we love real estate!
So as the summer comes to a close, start thinking about why you started, which will lead to why you will keep on going.
Build Passively.™