Real Estate Investing for College Students
Investing in real estate while in college may seem like an impossible feat, or at least a stupid one. Since most college students are financially unstable, or at least view themselves as so, they are at the perfect place to learn about investing. The College Investor suggests that if a student feels that they are unable to invest during college they should take classes, talk to professors, or find investing material. Education is essential to successful investments and college students are at the perfect place to educate themselves on real estate investing.
A way for college students to invest is with a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) or syndications. REIT is similar to investing in a mutual fund. It is a real estate holding company that may buy shopping centers, skyscrapers, or other kinds of real estate. A real estate syndication is a group of people that get together to buy a real estate deal. This is individuals who decided to buy real estate together as partners. REIT’s can be done on one’s own while syndications require networking and relationships. Another cheaper way to invest while in college is through wholesaling. Wholesaling is agreeing to buy a property, signing a contract, and then selling that contract to a cash buyer. If done correctly there can be a great pay-off but it takes a lot of work and a lot of patience.
The last way a college student can invest in real estate is buying a house and becoming a landlord. If a student is able to get an FHA loan or a loan from an individual it is an easy way to find a living space and rent out rooms to friends or other students. Even after they graduate it would be a good investment to keep. It also allows the student owner to learn how to be a landlord if it is something they would want to do in the future. Investing in real estate while in college may take more creative routes, but they are good ways to make money without having to put a lot in.