Do Your Best - Always
This is not a lesson from your parents. There is a much deeper reason to do your best at anything you. Not only does it form a strong mental capacity to enter a task with confidence, it also allows you to ascend to your natural level of capacity. What I mean by that is if you are doing your best at any job or task given and you accept opportunity when it arises, you will eventually continue to climb to the highest position of responsibility you are capable of. There was a book I remember reading that stated all people in the corporate world make it to the level they are capable of whether they realize it or not. I don't recall the book, but that quote always stuck with me. I did not enter the corporate world, but I can see how this makes sense and would translate into other areas of life. If you do not do your best at everything you do, you will be selling yourself short in what you are capable of.
Ian Walsh215.839.3271