Why Is Reputation So Important
Reputation is possibly the most important thing for you to build and defend in the business world. In Warren Buffett's auto biography it is stated near the end that he believes it is his most valuable asset. How can reputation be so important? Think of it like this. Reputation is the expectation that other people rely on when they consider you or your business. It is a form of branding. When you buy a Ferrari, you expect top performance . This is because Ferrari has created the reputation for people to expect this out of their cars. The same holds true for people in business. If you have a reputation as a reliable, responsive and well rounded business man/woman, people will know to expect that when dealing with you. Because other successful business people like working with these traits, they will find you and do business with you. If you are unreliable, lack the ability to execute and have no discipline , people also recognize this and will act accordingly. Successful people will not do business with you very often as it is considered high risk. You will see less opportunities and therefor will do less business. Reputation takes years to build and minutes to break. Defend what you are building and don't let yourself down.
Ian Walsh