Real Estate Cycles And How To See Them
Real estate cycles have gone from start to finish many times in our nations economic history. A quick google search would give the dates and events that lead to them over the last one hundred years. It appears that our economic psychology as a society will never change as we repeat the same mistakes over and over again. One of the best reads I have ever had to the pleasure of studying was done by Teo Nicolais. He described the cycle of real estate in a very clear and defined fashion using quadrants in a chart. When you look at it from this perspective you will be able to tell where we were, where we are and where we are soon headed. The logic behind the cycle makes a lot of sense and each phase will give clues as to the current market conditions. It is hard to predict and exact date for a market turn but when there is writing on the wall, you will know you are close. Here is the article . Ian Walsh215.839.3271