Your Business Is A Unique Fingerprint - Hard Money Bankers
The business you run and own becomes a distinct reflection of you. It is as unique as your fingerprint as it will have all of your good and bad traits intertwined in it's workings. This holds especially true for companies that are starting out or are very small. When you first start out, you are usually a one or two person operation. At this stage, it is very obvious that the decisions you make day to day will be ones that are fitting of your personality. The process of building a business becomes a powerful tool of self awareness and change because your mistakes will penalize your bank account. If you stop to think about the areas of weakness and strength, you can adjust them in your own personality and life. It is like having a friend give you and honest opinion of yourself every day. Identifying what you need to change as early as possible in your business life cycle is beneficial. The mistakes and problems will amplify as you grow. On the flip side, the positive undertakings will also be magnified and help with exponential growth.
Ian Walsh