Look In The Mirror To Improve - Hard Money Bankers
People have a tendency to blame others for mistakes that happen in their lives. We are all at fault for doing this at times to varying degrees. To truly improve yourself you need to look in the mirror when things go wrong. Assuming responsibility for error is a powerful statement to yourself and others. When things go right, it is also just as inspiring to look through the window to give the people around you credit. Great leaders will always give all of the credit to their team for victories. They will always assume responsibility for failure. The next time something in your job or personal life seems to take a bad turn, don't blame someone else for the result. Take the opportunity to assume responsibility. You will find that the people involved will have a lot more respect for you as it takes more strength to not deflect the error to someone else. People will have more appreciation for your ability to lead.
Ian Walsh215.839.3271