Secrets To Getting Deals Done
One of the most underestimated skills in real estate investing is the ability to get deals done. I know that sounds like an overly obvious statement, but it is not. I have seen many people bring really good deals to the table but they didn't have the skill set to execute on the project and or close the deal. The buyer didn't know what he/she didn't know. I can't blame someone for not knowing what piece of the puzzle they are missing so it is best to help and fill in the gaps when possible. On several occasions I have paired an investor with one skill to other investors that have other skills. Sometimes someone will bring a great deal but they have never flipped a property before, don't have contractors or perhaps don't have the money needed for closing. It is never a good idea to let a good deal slip out the door for any reason . Knowing the deal is strong, I have no problem introducing the person who found the deal to other contacts of mine that contain the other skills needed to execute the project. A good hard money lender should be able to see exactly where your operation might lack in one area and be able to potentially offer some resources to strengthen that weakness.
Ian Walsh