Hard Money Bankers - Don't Complicate Investing
People try to make investing seem very confusing and complicating. I think they intentionally do it to sound important but in reality it is not that difficult to explain. When people first get into real estate investing there are a lot of bells and whistles. There are a lot of shiny objects to be attracted to and the guru classrooms are filled with people that are frozen in fear because of all of the information. I would suggest keeping it all simple and basic. Remember that the numbers always have to work to make the investment make sense. Worrying about the fancy strategy is usually overkill. The one thing that most real estate investors learn from day one is 'you make your money when you buy'. This holds true and is one of the best generalizations one could come across in real estate investing. The basic rule in the game is to buy low......really low. If you buy a property low enough you can then add just about and fancy bell or whistle strategy to the project and still make money. If you buy too high, you will lose money. Keep is simple and buy low.