The Snowball - Don't Underestimate It
Everyone has to start somewhere in real estate investing. Where someone starts and where someone finishes are hopefully very different spots. During this journey, there are usually a few key pivot points that define the end result as to where the destination ends up being. A few years back, our lending company was nothing more than me, some marketing material and a plan. I had 2 fantastic partners and an amazing group of people at the Maryland office to support the efforts, but no one knew who Hard Money Bankers was at that time. It was just lonely me and some marketing materials (picture). I started a journey and knew that eventually the 'Snowball Effect' was going to kick in. I may have had a bit of an edge as I had built other companies and understood that this particular point could be reached in any business. It is a point where the energy and efforts of growth and expansion are recognized at a level where the snowball of business running down hill is now picking up more and more at an exponential rate. It is hard to describe to someone until they reach it. The good news is, the energy and efforts you put into your business today will show for you months or years from now. Sticking with it, being consistent and letting the snowball grow would be the best advice to give to someone trying to achieve it. Most people fall short because they expect instant results from their efforts and or they lack consistency in their approach. Stay consistent and let the snowball accumulate until it is so big you don't have to apply energy because it moves by itself.