To Make Money Every Day, Do Money Making Things Every Day
Yup....It is that simple. If you are trying to make money every day in real estate or any business for that matter, you will want to make sure you are doing things on a daily basis to create that. Many people that run their own business can fall into the trap of doing operational tasks that are not money making activities. Things that make money by being done every day would be mailers, TV ads, internet marketing, networking etc. If you practice these kinds of techniques daily, you will find that your consistent efforts lead to consistent new business. If you are practicing non money making activities, like data inputting on excel, you will have a very organized spreadsheet each day, but not new business from this activity. The kind of energy you put into the direction of the goal will directly show those results by either reaching that goal or failing to reach it. Make money every day by doing things that are focused on making money.
Ian Walsh