Simple And Effective Systems Are The Best
Systems can be described from a macro or micro point of view. From a micro point of view, the systems you implement in your personal life are what keep you organized and efficient. I always recommend that people keep the systems as simple as possible and easy to implement. A system that is complex and hard to implement probably won't be used and therefor is a waste of time. From a personal perspective I use a day planner every single day. I use a hard copy as I find it easy to write things down. I forced myself to use it for every commitment I make and after a couple of weeks I found I could not live with out it. When looking at a macro business view of systems, the same concepts hold true. A complicated system with a lot of moving parts will tend to either frustrate people or not be used. When a system makes someones life easier, they will be more inclined to use it. Spend your energy creating an easy to implement and basic system that yields high results.
Ian Walsh