Real Estate Investors Are Actually Not Real Estate Investors
The title is a bit deceiving as real estate investors are in fact real estate investors, but that is only a portion of their primary function. Successful real estate investors are also great marketers. This doesn't mean that they would consider themselves marketers or sometimes even know they are good at marketing, but they are. Great marketers drive leads because that is ultimately what marketing is about. Your best real estate investors have a consistent source of leads because a consistent source of leads will keep the pipeline strong and plentiful. Even the investors that buy at the sheriff sales would fall into this category as they were able to identify a lead source that supplies them with opportunities every single month. Other great lead sources include post cards, emails, MLS, TV, radio and bandit signs. All of these are viable options and the investors that have been around for a long time all have their methods of driving leads consistently. The real estate knowledge is easy to pass along but implementing the marketing portion is where many fall short.
Ian Walsh