The Easy Way To Gain Knowledge From Experienced Investors
It is really hard in the real estate investing business when you are just getting started. You read some books, maybe take a class or two and feel you grasp the concepts. You feel stuck in a place where you think you know how things work, but you don't quite have the confidence or true logistical awareness of building a business in this industry. The next natural thought is to find a mentor. The problem with finding a mentor is that they are not as easy to find or really expensive. There is a shortcut and free way to get ahead of that dilemma. Learn to find deals and wholesale them. This will put you in front of experienced investors that will gladly give you the time of day to chat. You can even negotiate your wholesale fee for mentoring time. Experienced investors will want to give you more time because they want something from you. It is just human nature. So if you have one place to begin, make sure it is finding deals. That is a skill that will stay with you for your entire career and it allows you to come out of the gates with more than just a few bucks in your pocket. It will give you access to a world of experienced cash buyers that will be eager to give you their time because they want your deals.
Ian Walsh