MLS - The Ultimate Weapon - Hard Money Bankers
Many people call me with to discuss the repaired value of their flip that they are looking to buy. What I usually hear are evaluations based on really weak data systems or methods. It is not through a lack of desire to know the value, but rather a lack of knowledge. Usually people are basing their values on the free internet sites that most know of. The issue with that method is that the data can easily be wrong, inaccurate or not updated. It also doesn't provide the details that someone should be looking at in a full picture. There is nothing more powerful than your local MLS. The better the MLS in regards to ease of use, the easier. The details and displays in a good MLS system make finding the end value much much more accurate and reliable. I always suggest to people that they get their real estate license exclusively for access to their MLS. The one in our market is fantastic and I have seen the inside of other neighboring ones which are also really good. Spend the time to get access to your MLS in order to properly research your investment properties.
Ian Walsh