Integrity At The Core - Hard Money Bankers
Saying you have integrity and actually having integrity are two very different things. Everywhere in life it is beneficial to have a high level of integrity. In the business world and specifically in real estate investing, there are many different variations of people having and not having integrity. I have found that the most successful investors over a long period of time have the highest levels of integrity. These are people that will do the right thing when no one is looking, that shake your hand on a deal and deliver on it no matter what and their word is the same as a written contract. When I first started in investing, everyone seemed to talk a big game and I had a tough time distinguishing who was real and who wasn't. After years of meeting different people at different levels of success, I have found that the big players tend to have the most integrity. I believe this to be true for a few reasons, but one being longevity. If you do not have a lot of integrity and can't deliver on your word to people or execute on a promise, then you will have a short lived career as people stop trusting you. The opposite also holds true. When you develop a reputation as a person who can deliver as expected, people will tend to find you and bring you deals or good opportunity. It is hard to quantify this trait, but I have seen in across many different real estate investors.
Ian Walsh