The 5 Year Plan - Hard Money Bankers
Having a plan in life is the same thing as having a road map when driving to a destination. If you don't have a plan in life you will find yourself trapped in cycles and aimlessly wandering. When you set a goal , you now have something to head towards. You can then plan out the roads and paths on a yearly, monthly, weekly and daily level. The more focused the life road map is, the higher the probability will be that you reach your goal. When all of your day to day actions are focused in one direction, they will compound and expedite the process of reaching your 1,3 or 5 year plan. The flip side of not having a plan will leave you where most people are today. Most people don't realize they are stuck in a rat race and there is no door to get out of the puzzle. If they set simple financial goals in life or ways to alter their current state of being, they would find themselves creating their own doors. Even if the goal and plan change along the way, the person who sets the goal will be much further ahead than the person who does not.
Ian Walsh215.839.3271