Knowledge vs Implementation - Hard Money Bankers
Over a persons lifetime they will have many great ideas. Some of those ideas could even be world changing ones. The sad part is that most of those ideas are just fleeting moments that are forgotten as fast as they came to be. Knowledge and ideas are very important as they are the starting point for changes and improvement. Implementation is the driving force that puts the knowledge into action and makes it a reality. How many times have you thought of that great invention that would make you millions? How many times have you seen an invention you thought of on TV selling for millions? The difference between you and that person that ended up selling the invention is that they were able to implement a process to make the idea a reality. The hard part is the implementation as everyone will have fantastic ideas over the course of their lives. Most people to not act and create the reality. The next time you have a great idea, remember to find a way to take action and implement the process to drive it forward.
Ian Walsh215.839.3271