Interview : Josh Buchter
Friday, December 08
Josh Buchter is a familiar face to everyone in the Philadelphia and South Jersey real estate markets. His primary focus is credit repair and he has seen the market change in regards to the kinds of people that apply to have their credit repaired. This is a good inside look at how the market is ...
Josh Buchter - Secrets To Protecting Credit
Thursday, December 07
In real estate investing there are two primary tools to acquiring properties and they are cash and credit. There are other methods and resources that can be used, but these two are the most common and make it the easiest on the buyer when they are in line. Cash is straight forward but credit is...
Networking With Josh Buchter - Done Right
Wednesday, December 06
Josh Buchter runs a very successful credit consulting division of Better Qualified. How he got to that point is discussed here. He is one of the most familiar faces to people in real estate in the Philadelphia and South Jersey markets. He did this by design. Josh was truly diligent about goin...
Find And Fund Off Market Deals
Friday, December 01
Ian Walsh does a presentation at SJREIA about how to find and fund off market deals. Ian Walsh has been involved in over 1000 transactions over the last 10 years and shares all of his secrets, tips and advice on how to locate deals and fund them. The key to success in Philadelphia , South Jerse...
Marc Halpern - Real Estate Scientist
Friday, November 17
Marc Halpern Ph.D. is one of the most unique people in real estate. He is with out a doubt one of the most brilliant people in the game. He thinks outside the box from most. Marc specializes in part time investing for big success. Marc actually was able to measure a person's happiness and wh...
Marc Halpern - The Science Of Building Your Life Backwards
Wednesday, November 15
Marc Halpern could be considered a life engineer by some. Many investors talk about building a life with a passive income but few discuss their plan and why they are doing it. Marc was able to measure his own happiness, determine how much of what it is he needs and then work backwards by formin...