Temple Presentation Short Clip - Different Lead Sources
Wednesday, April 25
In this presentation, Ian Walsh gives a short overview on having multiple lead sources at any given time. A lot of investors think that there is a biggest and best lead source that is a well kept secret. The truth is, they all work. Having several different lead sources and marketing campaigns...
Middlemen Podcast Clip - Busyness
Monday, April 23
In this clip, George and Ian get into the term 'Busyness'. This is an interesting concept in the business world. Everyone know a person or business owner who is always 'too busy' to be able to do something else. They seem like their world is always in chaos and that they have so much going on ...
Temple Real Estate Presentation - Where To Find Deals
Thursday, April 19
Ian Walsh recently did a presentation at Temple's Fox School of business and went over some questions some of the students had about real estate investing. In this short clip, the question to "Where do I find deals" came up. There isn't a magic recipe or secret potion as most big investors are ...
Fox School Of Business - What Is A Good Deal
Wednesday, April 18
Ian Walsh of Hard Money Bankers was presenting at Temple's Fox School Of Business and answered the question "What is a good deal?" A good deal is found a steep discount with surrounding comps that are strong and decisive. The timeline for the comps is as close to the actual current date as poss...
Sam Oropeza vs Tamir Levy
Tuesday, April 17
Sam Oropeza vs Tamir Levy upcoming fight. The fight before the fight. Don't blink. Prediction, first round KO followed by some beers and [email protected]
Fox School Of Business Presentation - Fringe Markets
Monday, April 16
We were invited to speak at the Fox School of Business real estate group. This short clip discusses what a fringe market can look like and the potential upsides/downsides to deal with a speculative pocket of the real estate market. Some of the areas in Philadelphia are distinct and easy to ide...