Foundations of a good Business
I learned long ago that the most important salesperson in your company is the first person that a client or customer comes in contact with, be that a receptionist, secretary, greeter, a phone operator, whomever - the very first person is the person that creates that all important "first impression".
As a business owner, I believe it is my responsibility to set the stage for that salespersons successful first contact. That begins with empowering them with the goals and direction of the company, help them become as excited about the company they work for as you are operating the business, encourage and reward them for their efforts.
As a simple and basic example, providing your entire staff with business cards can go a long way to building their self worth and recognition of importance to the company while at the same time providing a measurable method of expanding your brand or company awareness. When I took over my first real estate company, I gave business cards to our receptionist, the secretary and the rental property maintenance people. What I did next was encourage them to hand them out, if someone came in or called from their business card they were rewarded for their efforts. Sometimes this was just a lunch, or a dinner voucher for 2, or a bit of cash - always in a small handwritten thank-you card.
It is truly amazing how little this costs, but how far and fast this goes. At the end of the quarter or year, when it's recognition or company meeting time - publicly recognize and thank them. It makes a huge difference, to them and your company.
Comments (4)
thanks for sharing. I like the idea of rewarding staff for their efforts.
Javi De Paz, about 9 years ago
Great idea! I like the concept of showing your staff the value they provide the business
Chiagozie Fawole, about 9 years ago
Thank you for reading, I hope to be able to allocate time to this blog and other forum posts here as soon as we finish our new website.
Dan Acampora, about 9 years ago
Thanks for the blog post. I like your idea of rewarding the staff if I get a return contact on their business cards. It's a huge win-win situation. Thanks for sharing.
Dan Perrott, about 9 years ago