Post #3 (we'll call this Mar2016)
Tuesday, March 22
It's been quite the busy month! I've already managed to neglect my blog and I had only written two. Actually, what I realized was that every week isn't going to be worth writing about. The other thing that I realized was, although that might be ok, going a whole month without anything to show ...
Week 2
Monday, February 29
It's been an AMAZING week! I've done all kinds of...ok, not much. It's been a week, give me a break. This is my 2nd blog and I'm already a day late! But in my defense, it's been a busy week/weekend. Friday, I quit my job. I'm going full time real estate investing! Full time...until my new ...
Post One, A Newbie with nothing
Sunday, February 21
...where to start... A little about me, that I'm sure will randomly bounce around from idea to idea. I'll do my best to keep this in some sort of order. First, caveat, I'm not a writer. In fact, after a few of these, I might find out I suck at writing/blogging. But seriously, I'm a new invest...