3 Tips Home Staging to Transform a House for Sale into a Potential Ho
Home Staging is one way to sell a home; as opposed to just selling your buyer a piece of property, it’s
about selling them a concept and idea of how they will live in this home. Both your business acumen
and your creativity to strike a balance between what your clients wants and what they need; and of
course, it’s about you making the sale! Home staging is fast gaining popularity, as potential home
buyers require authenticity in all the purchases they make. Home staging takes property jobs to the
next level, where you get to use your creative flair to seal a property deal. Clients need to be able
imagine their life in this new home, with their family, where their kids will play and how they will leave
on a daily basis.
1. It’s all about perspective
Try to imagine the home from the viewer’s perspective; take a moment to stand outside the house
and perhaps take a picture to take notice of any flaws as a prospective walks in or drives in. Then
take a thorough tour through the house and decide how you will decorate it to suit a prospective
buyer’s needs. If the house is still occupied then have a talk with the home owner about getting rid of
clutter and ensuring that the house is neat for viewings, even if it means hiring extra help.
2. Space, Cleanliness and Colour
Space is very important because the potential homeowner needs to have an idea of where they will
put certain items and utilise the space. Also, it’s important to make sure that the house is clean from
top to bottom ensuring that the house is clear of cobwebs, dust, stains and any other dirt that may put
a viewer off. If the space needs to be repainted then it’s best to make sure that you choose neutral
colours to bring the property to life.
3. Less is More
If you’re staging an empty house; be sure to use minimal decoration and don’t overwhelm the client
with your personal taste; leave room for them to use their imagination. Some people are even known
to purchase a staged house as is if it meets their tastes so be prepared to partly invest in staging a