It's Good to Have Options
Quite often, I get someone calling about a great real estate deal they just came across: they can buy their uncle's house for only $80K, put $40K (max) into it, and sell it for a pile of gold (or maybe a little less like $250K). Sound familiar?
Invariably, they call asking about a hard-money loan and the terms of said loan - all the while, you can hear an excitement in their voice that is almost contagious. However, when I tell them about the terms, the interest rate, and the required down payment, that excitement evaporates. Some almost default to saying, "Thanks for your time," and try to hang up. Others ask, "Do you have any other options? I don't have any money to put down."
Before I let the dejected souls hang up or the penniless entrepreneurs get too down in the dumps, I tell them I have two options for them. Neither requires any down payment. Have you ever been in this position? Are you in this position now? Shoot me a DM, and I'll be happy to share these options with you. Happy investing!