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Posted almost 6 years ago

4 Ways to Prep Your Business for the New Year

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For many of us busy professionals, it can be easy to let things slack during the holidays. That’s not a bad thing! In fact, it’s good and healthy to have breaks from the daily grind. We all need time to rest and recharge so that we can devote new, refreshed energy and enthusiasm to our pursuits and passions. Both year-end and new year can be hectic, though. As enjoyable as the holiday season can be, the stress can take its toll — and we have to be ready to bounce back and get back to it come January.

One of the best methods for increasing productivity in your business is to adhere to solid business strategies. Some bits of advice seem so small or obvious that we neglect them. Sometimes we just need a good reminder!

Here are a few business strategies to ensure that you start your 2019 strong.


1. Learn from Last Year

All of us need time to step back and assess. Look at last year, highlighting the good things and those that you wish went better. Your “failures” give you an opportunity to learn, fine-tune and change so that things work better in the future. Don’t hide from them and don’t dwell on them — glean what wisdom you can and apply it to your life in the present. Take careful stock of strategies that worked and those that didn’t and don’t be afraid to take the risk of necessary change.

2. Follow Up with Leads & Clients

This should be simple, right? Sometimes it’s all-too-easy for us to allow our leads and business contacts to slip off our radar. For the new year, it’s time to catch up with clients, leads and partners. Even those of us who are self-employed need other people around us — we simply can’t operate in isolation. Now’s the time to reach out to the people who fell by the wayside in 2018 and revitalize your relationships.

3. Look Back at Short and Long Term Goals

A tight focus is key to increasing productivity. Over time, it’s easy to get bogged down in details or end up chasing proverbial rabbits that can really hurt the overall progress of your business. Before diving too deep into 2019, step back and look at your goals. Write them down or revisit plans that are already in place. Even if you aren’t off track, it’s always good to have a fresh reminder.

4. Get Organized

Nothing slows things down like a lack of organization. Are your filing cabinets a mess? Your desk covered in papers? Don’t wait for spring cleaning to tackle your organizational issues. A cluttered physical space can be distracting and impede your ability to think and work clearly. Take the time now to sort through papers and documents and put them all in place. This includes your e-mail, Dropbox and cloud storage! Digital files can get just as messy and cluttered. 

You'll be thankful you took the time now to straighten out your financial information when it comes time to do your taxes. 2018 had quite a few changes for real estate investors, check out my recent blog post to learn more about them!

4 Tax Issues Real Estate Investors Can’t Ignore When Filing in 2019

What resolutions will you make for your business this year? Let us know in the comments.
