Cash Me If You Can Find Me - My $300K Check
On the last season of "Confessions of a Real Estate Wholesaler"
I had just landed a deal that would set me up for the next 2 to 4 years of my life. This million dollar deal I planned to wholesale for $300,000.00
That was until the title company called me .....
Like I said before, it doesn't matter how experienced you are, real estate is a 500 pound gorilla that will surprise you at your front door at any given time.
That’s what happened to me, the Gorilla knocked on my door and said your deal is not a deal because we can't locate the survey on this property, its not even archived in the historical maps and plats!
I’m thinking “Now wait a minute” That doesn't even make sense, how can the appraisal district have an account number for a piece of land with lot and block, but there is no historical trace of evidence of a survey for this lot and block.
The Survey company told me theres nothing they can do, their abstractor has been down at the courthouse all morning and afternoon and can’t find anything.
Im sorry Sabrina, we cant help you !
Now, Im feeling lost! I have nothing but experts with 25 plus years experience surrounding me and nobody knows what to do. REALLY !!!
Personally I can’t even sleep at night knowing, I’m this close. I feel helpless, the experts told me there is nothing they can do. Maybe they just don’t want to do the hard work?
Here we go again, back to the thinking chair to talk to myself.
Now, Sabrina have you done everything in your power to help this deal.
No! I have not.
What can you do Sabrina?
We’ll I could take my nosey self down to the courthouse and see for myself about this survey and deed history chain.
We’ll DO IT !
I had to send a prayer up and ask God for some divine intervention, sprinkle some pixie dust and let your will be done. Help me crack this case!
Little did I know that this experience would change my business and earn me the name Sherlock Holmes!
I packed a snack pack grabbed by case notes and headed down to the courthouse myself.
Did I even know what the heck I’m searching for? No!! But Im’ sure the people that work downtown can help me! I arrive and found a seat at this old dinosaur film code file viewer. It’s a machine used to view historical documents.
On my laptop the first thing I did was reverse trace the sellers family history and searched for any of those family members owning real estate near this area.
About the 5th person up the family tree was a man named Chris. I called the seller to find out who he was. Turns out he was the grandfather of the seller. I made notes and she told me some historical family stories. I wrote and took notes as she, told me some interesting tales. She didn’t know how true these stories were, but that’s the story her mother told her.
I had spent the next 5 days working on this one case, nothing else . If closed this case this would be awesome, if I don’t; I have learned so much at the courthouse, that my skills would take my next deals to the next level.
After days of research this case was finally cracked! CHING CHING !!
Yes! I located the survey, and wrote out the entire deed chain, all the way up to the sellers possession of the land. I had gathered so much evidence, to close this case and make my $300,000K Wholesale Fee.
Now this is the part of me, that some people say “Sabrina you are way too damn nice” You need to toughen up that skin. You see, what I didn't tell you I found out at the courthouse is this case….
….can close, but at a hefty price of criminal charges and some people possibly going to prison. Plus I have some information the seller needs to know, that will make her wig flip.
I’m getting way to deep in this case, maybe I should just back off and leave this alone. Leave these skeletons in the closet and move to the next deal.
Maybe if my suspect were some young hustler guy like Leonard DiCaprio from the “Catch me If you Can” movie. I would have the pleasure of shutting the lights off, stopping him in his tracks closing the deal and doing the Harlem Shuffle into the bank to deposit my check.
However, the alleged crooks that’s responsible for causing all this mess in the first place, are elderly people in their now mid and late 90’s.
NOW WHAT A MINUTE!!!, Just 40 Years ago, they weren’t “elderly” I consider them, well educated people who took part in organized crime. It’s clear as day if you look at my evidence.
There are deeds clearly forged
When you check reference to these indivuals and other property dealings , they all have the same handwriting and used the same notaries everytime, to file documents.
The reason they could not find the survey, is because one does not exist due to the fact the property was owned by Chris years ago, he has been long deceased when one of the sellers family members and heir of Chris, Kevin; split the land and sold the larger portion to a Bank. The seller and other family members does not know this happen.
Why would the crooked family member split the property and not sell the entire piece? To cover his butt, so as long as there is a real property record showing CHRIS owns property in this subdivison , no one would probably say anything.
To make matters worse, years later the bank sold the property to another group of guys who are in the banking industry. They built a bank that still stands today. Bank XYZ the name has been changed for unknown reason, but my research revealed it was matter due to bank board members being involved in bad business, so they had to change the name.
And Guess what the guys involved in this sale on the recieivng end , are a few of the same circle of crooks that forged several deeds to take ownership of properties unbeknownst to the rightful owners.
Looks like they were trying to wash hands!
One of the most deeds that would have needed an heirs signature, has the signature. However it would have been inpossible for this lady to sign the deed because she is incapicated and cant talk nor write. She was discovered to be the Aunt of the seller.
Who ever is behind this, Knows how to move when to move, and who to move with.
So now we have Kevin, a family member who is now elderly, a crooked elderly notary, and possible 8 other elderly who benefited financially from the double sale.
Mind you the bank is still standing and operating in business under the last name change. Its not hard to drop the bomb and do a reverse deed chain and sale search.
Sabrina should you let these old people live the rest of their life in peace, or should you send these old bags of dirt to prison to drop the soap?
Let me think about this one..... Sleep on It! I'll reveal exactly what I did in my next blog post.
What would you do Bigger Pockets? Leave a comment and let me know
Open the can of worms and close the deal for $300k and the elderly goes to prison???
Comments (7)
Very interesting.
Jerry Padilla, over 8 years ago
So what happened?
Daphne Moss, over 8 years ago
WOW! Now this is definitely a messed up situation, and the current sellers have NO clue? And the title company couldnt find this information but you did after days of research, AMAZING...
Jamie Hoebing, almost 9 years ago
@Stephanie Irto You are exactly correct. So you know I had to think about another angle. Which is, If I pursue this deal, the BANK could become my BUYER, I mean what bank will just up and leave a location thats been there for years.
But on the other hand, I'm thinking how many other of these thugs could be lurking. Am I a little fish swimming with sharks.
Sabrina Kane, almost 9 years ago
So does that mean that the land that the bank is sitting on does not rightfully belong to the bank because the deeds were forged? Really interesting!
Stephanie Medellin, almost 9 years ago
What exactly did these people do that may land them in prison ?
Maybe it is not as bad as you think and they may get no prison time at all ?
Alex R., almost 9 years ago
@Alex R. i updated the post with a summary of what they did. :)
Sabrina Kane, almost 9 years ago