Millennials: The Time is Now
What amazes me about many of my peers today is their ultra-conservative mindset when it comes to personal finances and security. I read an article yesterday that talked about recent college graduates applying for jobs. Companies found that these applicants were more concerned with what the firm's retirement plan looked like rather than the skills they could acquire and develop throughout their time there. To me, it seemed so absurd to think about a petty retirement plan that relatively won't amount to much in the long run. Whereas the skills you can learn from an entry level job could be huge.
My Story
I am 23 years old and after I finished undergrad, I chose to jump into a full time real estate investing career. Throughout college, I wasn't the best student, and I frequently cut class to study podcasts and other real estate material that grabbed my interest. I had a couple job offers on the table from various financial firms, but I knew the 9-5 life was not for me. I knew if I wanted to create real wealth, I needed to get into the game.
By opening my mind and exploring new options at creating financial freedom, I knew real estate investing would put me there faster than other avenues and create generational wealth. I was able to find a great partner and our company has bought over 50 single family properties in about 8 months with several multi-family deals in the works. I chose to get in the game and take action every day and make a lot of sacrifices. You can too, with the right mindset.
Why wait?
There has not been a better time in America to take risks and build a business. With all the new technologies and easy access to high level knowledge, it is easier than ever to be an entrepreneur and earn more income. Whenever I'm out golfing with buddies or at a social event, I tend to bring up real estate and try to get my peers to realize the value in starting now.
After some early successes, many people ask me how I did it and they want to find a way to get involved. Unfortunately, most will never do what it takes and expand their mind enough to follow through. For the most part, the people who aren't taking action now are going to be the ones complaining about their future financial struggles.
Investing is a Time Game
Investing is a long term game, and the sooner you get in, the more money you can compound over time. I wish more millennials would spend time on learning about how to create financial freedom through real estate investing rather working a dead end job that they hate. The sooner that my peers can get into the game, the sooner than can replace their current income with passive income and design the lifestyle they want to live.
The Time is Now
My friend Kent Clothier lives by these words. He taught me that our days are absolutely numbered, and to not live each day like your last is a big mistake. We did an exercise together and calculated the number of days we have left which dug deep into finding our purpose and inspired action.
Why are we waiting to for the "right time" to invest? Why do we spend time doing shit we hate? Our self-doubt is the largest deterrent of our success. Waiting is only going to cost more money in the long term.
Now is the time to surround yourself with successful people. Now is the time to decide if you want financial freedom, and if you're willing to put the consistent work in to get there. We all have the desire, but some of us lack the drive. Now is the time to decide.
"Results in a person's life are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group." - Tony Robbins