The Journey to Multi-Family Home Investor Success
Rod Khleif shares his story about how he began as a multi-family home investor, beginning his journey in Denver, Colorado. He shares his struggles, his experience and his successes. Here are some of the topics we discuss in this episode:
- Multi-Family Home investor market was founded in the 2008 crash “Hans Solo Moment”
- MFH has all the repair crews in house
- In 2008 rents did not go down but the vacancy did
- Two months is the typical turnover
- As a C and D class multi-family home investor, you will need to pay for 2000-3000 per turnoff effectively wiping out your cash flow
- Failures are just seminars that teach us
- Don’t flip in the high end (A and B class)
- Don’t get a MFH 5 year balloon, instead get a 7-10 year term
- VAs is calling Apartment Owners – Use county assessors office then Secretary of State to get mailing address, lookup phone numbers
- For discount Tony Robbins tickets to “UPW” four day event email [email protected]