January 2020 GreenSheet #9 Investor Letter
Dear investor,
It was a restful holiday season yet busy time as we transitioned ownership into the last few deal we closed in Q4 of 2019.

- Transitioning to Syndications & LP Tips Webinar
- Infinite Banking with Whole Life Insurance for 2020
- New investor portal with 3 free modules and past deal webinars
- 2020 Goals Launch

- Florida’s 1st LGBTQ Senior Housing Project Breaks Ground - MHN 19.10.25 - [Simply pointing out a trend in ALF]
- NAS Acquires 27,465 SF Flex Building in Springdale, Arkansas Leased to BNSF Logistics - REBusiness 19.12.02
- Redstone Arsenal growing to 50,000 workers by 2025 - Huntsville Real-Time News 19.12.04 -"Huntsville’s Redstone Arsenal will grow from 44,000 employees now to “over 50,000 by 2025,” its senior commander said today, and it plans $2 billion in infrastructure investments in the next five years to keep growing." Plus new $175M Plant
- Top markets for MF Rent Growth - MHN 19.11.29 -
- Freddie Mac: Here’s what to expect from the housing market in 2020 and beyond - Housing Wire 19.11.27 -The GSE also expects home price growth to slow over the next few years, with annual growth rates of 3.2%, 2.9% and 2.1% in 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively.
- An end to Fannie, Freddie conservatorship by 2022? - Housing Wire 19.11.14 - “If all goes well, 2021, 2022 we will see very large public offerings from these companies. Fannie and Freddie could be looking at exiting government control by 2022 or 2023, according to Calabria."
- On a year-over-year basis, the September starts of buildings with five or more units were 5.8 percent below September 2018. - MHN 19.11.18 -
- U.S. Job Gains Surprisingly Solid in October - Realpage 19.11.06
- Phoenix Multifamily Report – Fall 2019
The metro's sustained economic performance and demographic expansion continue to be reflected in its multifamily market. - CPE 19.11.22 - [Its a hot market but it also fell a lot in the recession] - 19.12.28 Matrix Multifamily National Report-November 2019
- Airbnb is banning all "open-invite parties and events" - Newsweek 19.12.06 - "Hosts who attempt to circumvent this ban and allow guests to throw large parties will be subject to consequences"
- 5 Markets With the Greatest Rent Loss - MHN 19.12.12
- Average New Apartment Size Shrinks in East and West Coast Cities - National RE Investor 19.12.19 -In buildings developed since 2010, apartments average roughly 940 sq. ft. in size, according to RealPage. That’s down from an average size of roughly 1,000 sq. ft. in buildings created before 2010. “Prior to 2010, properties were more likely to feature a more prominent mix of two- and three-bedroom floorplans as opposed to studios and one-bedrooms”
- Other trends: Boomers downsizing, pop up stores, rumors on accredited status

Plan for 2020.
First Multi-day Mastermind - SimplePassiveCashflow.com/hui3

Lead goals seminar. 2020 Goals Launch

Approach higher level guests and authors to have on podcast.

Trying out some new mastermind groups. Traveling to new places.

Traveled to Japan.. again

Scheduled meetings. SimplePassiveCashflow.com/talk

Holidays... I just seemed to not get much done until the evening.

I am paying 50%/10% marketing commissions on my eCourse and Mastermind. More info here - https://simplepassivecashflow.com/referral
Product pages:

Bought cold press juice subscription

David Goggins - Can't Hurt Me (All book recommendations)

Passive Investor Accelerator & Mastermind
-Mostly Accredited high paid professionals to connect with personally and build your own network (currently 45 members)
-27 modules of content in a closed membership site
-Bi-weekly Zoom Video calls (25+ on-demand recordings a year plus all library of past calls)
-Now with a membership coordinator check-in's to help facilitate what you are doing and connect you with the right people in the group (if you are shy)
Learn more and apply before out max head count is reached and 2020 pricing takes effect - SimplePassiveCashflow.com/Journey
If can do me a favor... If you get a chance people review leave a review for the podcast on iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/simple-passive-cashflow/id1118795347) and email simplepassivecashflow.com to a friend.
