Discounted Notes, I Think, are Today's Best-Kept Investment Secret
... But that may be changing because I've noticed, given the rapid growth of the Notes forum on this website, that more and more investors are discovering discounted notes as an attractive alternative to investing in real property. And, I think that's with good reason. After all, yields on note transactions can be extremely high as compared with other investments in today's climate, i.e., yields of 18% and higher are not uncommon. What's more-- and this is a very important characteristic to grasp-- with notes, the risk to the investor usually goes down as the rate of return goes up-- unlike other investments whereby you must up the risk to increase the rate of return.
In note transactions, the time value of money principle is at work here-- notes are almost always bought at a discount off the present value, cash in hand today being valued higher than money owed in the future. And, the steeper the discount off the present balance of the note, the greater the yield for the investor and the lower the risk (the lower the offer, the less $ the investor has in the transaction).
One of the most common "stumbling blocks" I hear from newer or beginner investors is that some have difficulty getting their offers accepted because they know of only one way to make an offer. But you can greatly increase your chances of getting an acceptance by giving the note holder more options.
Let me give you an example.
Let's say a good-quality note is available and let's use a round figure of $50,000 present value, let's say 8 percent interest-only for 15 years. It's a privately-held real estate trust deed. You actually have 2 cash flows here: the monthly payment itself of $333.33 and the one-time $50,000 balloon payment at the end of year 15.
Most beginners would employ a single strategy here: make an offer on the entire loan, i.e. if the desired yield is, say, 14 percent, the offer would be for $31,227.33.
Here's how you would perform the calculations for this on a financial calculator such as the BA2 Plus:
1. Calculate the present value of the $333.33 monthly cash flow (the figure we are solving for is in parentheses, in this case the present value):
N=180 I/Y=14% PMT=$333.33 (PV= $25,029.63)
What this means is that the value of this cash flow ($333.33 per month for 180 months) if you desired a return of 14 percent would be $25,029.63.
2. Calculate the present value of the $50,000 balloon payment.
N=180 I/Y=14%PMT=___ (PV=$6,197.70) FV=$50,000
So we find that the present value of the $50,000 balloon 15 years from now is $6,197.70.
When you add both of the present values together, ($25,029.63 + $6,197.70) we get a total of $31,227.33.
What if the note seller does not accept?
In the real world, many note sellers would not be willing to accept a discount of 37% ($50,000 - $31,227.33 = $18,772.67).
If the offer is turned down, many uneducated note investors may just give up and walk away-- a lost opportunity due to ignorance. The fact of the matter is that there are other ways to approach this situation and the more options you have, the greater your chances of making money.
Let's reexamine the situation again. When you look at the present values of the two cash flows, you'll see that #1 ($25,029.63) has a much greater value than #2 ($6,197.70). Many beginners are astounded at how little the present value of the balloon due in 15 years is worth today.
We can apply the same concept to the monthly cash flow. The $333.33 payment received today has a value of ($333.33). But that same $333.33 payment received in month 180 has a present value of only $41.32.
I want to drive home a couple of important points here:
1. Always keep in mind that cash in hand today has a far greater value than money to be received in the future.
2. You can make attractive offers to note sellers by purchasing the more current payments and letting the seller keep the more distant payments which are further off in the future.
With this in mind, we can make an offer to purchase the $333.33 payments and let the note seller keep the right to collect the $50,000 balloon.
So, the offer would be $25,029.63.
This means the seller gets $25,029.63 immediately and them collects the $50,000 balloon payment, so he gets very close to what he would have received had he sold the entire loan, and he gets to keep the balloon payment.
In my experience, a great many sellers like this approach.
To take this one step further, you can make an offer for only a portion of the payments-- perhaps five years' worth. If we are looking for a 14% return, the offer to the note holder would be $14,325.53.
N = 60 I/Y = 14% PMT = $333.33 (PV = $14,325.53 ) FV = ____
This way, the note seller gets $14,325.53 now and $39,999 in payments starting in year 6, and also collects the $50,000 balloon payment.
There are even more options available-- you could purchase less than 5 years or you could buy the payments plus part of the balloon.
The more options you present to the note seller, the more likely you are to come to a successful (and profitable) conclusion.
What if it turns out the seller is not motivated to sell the loan, but what he really needs is to free up some cash to accomplish some goal. Let's say the seller just needs to free up $10,000. The knowledgeable note buyer would be able to formulate an offer tailored to give the seller exactly what he needs. In this scenario, you would make an offer for only 36 payments. Here's how you'd calculate the # of payments you need to buy in order to get the seller the $10,000 and get you a yield of 14%:
N = 36 I/Y = 14% PMT = $333.33 (PV = $9,752.87 FV = ____
So, you would buy 36 payments for $9,752.87.
Since everybody gets what they want, this is a real win-win transaction.
Also (and this is very important) when you buy only part of the loan, the transaction becomes safer for you (reduced risk) because the less cash you have in the transaction, the more equity you have for protection. So you get a high rate of return with a high degree of safety.
Also, keep in mind that the riskiest part of the above example is the balloon payment-- the borrower may or may not be able to come up with it when it is due. So, if you don't buy the balloon, you greatly increase your safety factor.
And, if you desire a lump sum profit as opposed to receiving monthly payments, you can flip the transaction.
The more you know, the more successful you will be.
Comments (21)
I have some detailed articles about how to get into note investing- since I can't link to them here, I'll email them to you if you PM me here and let me know where to send it.
Tim Fitzgerald, about 9 years ago
I have a question, I have a lot of real estate yielding about 9-11% per year cash flow which is fairly decent primarily because they are owned free and clear. I thought about buying short terms notes 36 months and under to divirsify a little. I am not sure how to get into the market but I have a few million of my money and I would love to put it to work. I would be monetizing my cash by loaning it out at higher iteret rates. Any direction on how to break into this industry?
Robert Hetsler, about 9 years ago
Interesting perspective Tim.
This is what Wall Street has been doing for years with "STRIPS", and stripping the coupon payments from the bullet payment, to create an instrument with a shorter Weighted Average Life / Duration. But hadn't heard of it before with private notes. I will keep this in mind!! Thanks for the perspective.
I would say that risk is not always reduced as note rates rises.. but I agree with the rest!
J. Martin, about 9 years ago
Thank you Tim, interesting suggestion.
Melroy D'Souza, about 9 years ago
Very well written article. Thank you for writing it!
Bryan O., about 9 years ago
Thank you for this article. Structurally, how would you go about buying only a part of the note? The mortgagor would be instructed to make payments to "partial mortgagee" for X payments and then balance of payments to "original mortgagee"? Seems awkward... Or would you use a 3rd party escrow that would direct the mortgagor's payments according to the mortgagee contract? Thanks,
Ann B., about 9 years ago
I would use a servicing company. That way, the remittance address never changes for the payor.
Tim Fitzgerald, about 9 years ago
Andrew Wong, about 9 years ago
I don't think I why an offer of $25,029.63 would be a win for you as the buyer if you're only buying the $333.33 payments. How does that math work out?
Andrew Wong, about 9 years ago
Andrew, $333.33 x 180 payments adds up to $59.999 that the buyer would collect over 15 years. Subtract the purchase price of $25,029 and that leaves a profit of $34,969 which amounts to a 14% ROI.
Tim Fitzgerald, about 9 years ago
This is very interesting. Thank you!
Eddie Atkinson, about 9 years ago
Interesting post. I think your math calculations are right on but I have not seen any note sellers willing to keep back the balloon on a note. It may be that individual note sellers may be willing to entertain this type of offer but my experience dealing with banks that are buying and selling portfolio of notes, I don't think the peeling off of the balloon would be attractive. There are so many factors that can go wrong between the time the note was sold and when the balloon comes due and most bank note sellers want to sell the notes without any type of recourse or future involvement.
Best of luck with this strategy. I would be interested in seeing this type of transaction work. My group is dealing with a number of banks in the Chicago area so I will keep this type of transaction in mind.
And one more thing, notes do sometimes trade at values more than face. If the note is well secured and yielding more than what current equivalent notes are yielding then the note may trade at a premium.
Dan Wallace, about 9 years ago
Dan- You're talking about bank notes. I'm talking about privately-held seller-financed notes. Different animals.
Tim Fitzgerald, about 9 years ago
thank you. very interesting and educational.
Adriane D Travis, about 9 years ago
Sorry for the overposting.
Vincent Charleston, about 9 years ago
Vincent Charleston, about 9 years ago
Vincent Charleston, about 9 years ago
Vincent Charleston, about 9 years ago
Vincent Charleston, about 9 years ago
Vincent Charleston, about 9 years ago
Hi @Tim Fitzgerald
Great post, this is a creative way of looking at note investing options. Thanks for sharing it with the BP community.
Best regards,
Nathan Carter, about 9 years ago