Gangster Whisperer
I decided that I wanted to be a Realestate investor . No money no credit no problem . Well I got on this forum and many others read all the books found a mentor quite a successful guy except for the 10 units in the hood . Bobby "stay away from low income areas he said ". The cash flow looks great but managers charge a premium and the turn over is expensive because of drugs and crime and the people don't care . I laughed and said I wish I had that problem. He said yeah smart ass if you can get the drug dealers from in front my property stop people from using my halls as a hotel and bathroom I will give you two doors and a place to stay . I said bet . To make a long story short he no longer has those problems. Yeah it's costing him some more upfront money to tenant proof his units but in the long run its a saving . As far as drug dealers they don't think it wise to work in from his property to the corner.