My 2:33 In The Morning List
Thursday, February 18
We all have one, or at least we’re supposed to. It's the list of people we would take a call from at 2:33 in the morning, no questions asked. It's your spouse, your kid, your parents, your siblings, the friend you'd do anything for. You don't stop and think about it, there's no weighing the pros ...
“The Divorced, Debt-ridden Dad Who Wanted the Best for His Kids”
Friday, February 05
When Jeff was referred to me in late Summer of 2015, he wanted to purchase a home in the same town as his ex-wife so that he wouldn’t disrupt his kids’ lives. He’d tried going to a regular bank, however, with his other debt and child support obligations, they wouldn’t qualify him for anywhere nea...
It’s No Laughing Matter!
Monday, January 25
You know that old Rodney Dangerfield joke that went “Small? Where I grew up, the house was so small even the mice were stoop-shouldered!” Well, that’s Ryan & Melissa’s story…When Ryan and Melissa first came to me in the Summer of 2015, they were living in the tiniest home I’d ever heard of - ...