Money is not evil, it's not everything. And it definitely isn't what's going to make you happy in life. Money is simply a tool. For better or worse our understanding of money often shapes our life. And our understanding of money is often something that is passed down to us from a young age, and unfortunately it's lived out in unseen ways. I'm not by any means a guru or expert, but I am determined, ambitious and I want to provide value. Now my goal is to have a million dollar net worth by the time I'm 30, it's ambitious. I want to invite you to take this journey with me. I'm 23, no college education, I'm a first generation Immigrant, I barely graduated high school because I was angry and knew I wasn't going to have means to get a college education,I lived in a closet in a trailer park when I first moved to Seattle, and I know what missing a meal is like. When I was 19, I embarked in a journey to better myself. I went from making $17,000 when I was 19 to now breaking the "6 figure mark", but most importantly I learned budgeting techniques, what it takes to get a higher paying job, how to build and investment portfolio, real estate investing and all around a solid understanding of finances. Whatever field it is that you're in, whatever your niche or passion might be. You'll need a basic understanding of how money works, and our society clearly lacks that. Times are always going to be changing and different opportunities will always be presenting itself and you will have to adapt, however the fundamentals will always stay the same. Learning the fundamentals of Money and investing, will be 80% of the journey. I've been fortunate enough to come across mentors, who are far more successful than me, and together we could learn and crack the code to being financially free. The next step is to sign up for my newsletter, where I promise you will find a golden nugget that will help you get to your next level, no matter where you might be.
Come with me, Let's kick the door to our destiny and snatch the key to the good life.
Comments (2)
Awesome post Lucas! You will absolutely reach your goal. In fact, it can be a fairly certain mathematical probability with real estate! Jus remember that becoming wealthy should be a little bit boring...
John Warren, about 9 years ago
Really inspiring post Lucas. I hope to join you on your journey!
Jordan Ross, about 9 years ago