Being in a funk...
We have all been there...it's not a bad thing unless you fester in it. Those days when you know you should wake up and do something but really do not want too. You cannot remember WHY you should wake up and do something...
You remember you have that sick day that you could possibly use, but then what about the day after that..? Are you really going to feel better if you take that day off? and if you do take that day off what are you going to do within that day to make you feel better about all the other days to come...?
If this happens maybe you should change your reason WHY you wake up...? I am not here to say if you should or should not take that day off. I am here to say maybe do something productive with that day, to help get you OUT of your funk, whether it be money, relationship or business issues, there is someone out there with the wisdom who can help. Maybe you, in your funk, put someone else in their funk...you never know what influence you have. Whether it be kids, friends, co-workers or family you are an influence to SOMEONE!
Take the "sick" day to reprioritize your goals and expectations of the coming weeks, months or even year. Go outside take a few deep breaths and remember you are here for a reason. If you do not know the reason...find one!
Pick up your kids from school, take your dog for a walk...just do something POSITIVE and PRODUCTIVE! Start listening to motivational stuff. Take on a few "mentors" by subscribing to their pages, websites or daily inspirational tidbits. I believe you should have a mentor for every area of your life! If you are a spiritual person download an app for daily devotion. Whatever you do just make sure you listen with an open mind. Allow yourself to receive whatever message it is, because you may not know it now but the wisdom, knowledge or information you get could help someone else.
Just remember to not seek advice from someone you would not want to trade places with. For instances, you would not call your electrician for advice with your plumbing.
Here are just a FEW of my mentors:
Darren Hardy
Darren is my mentor because his approach is to do small insignificant steps to achieve a lasting end result. He is the editor for success magazine and surrounds himself with new ideas from like minded people.
I suggest reading his book The Compound Effect!
Tony Robbins
He is just an overall awesome person to have on your list of mentors. The video link is specific to this blog post...how to pull yourself out of a funk.
Dave Ramsey
Dave is a master at finances. His financial class (Financial Peace University - FPU) along with his books have been what got my finances in order.
Do not limit yourself to just these guys...go out and find someone to your liking for every area of your life!
No one else is going to do it for you! Want it for yourself!
Comments (2)
Thanks for the post, Natalie. Every single one of us has our ups and downs! And you're absolutely correct: whenever you feel like you're entering that "funk", you need to reconnect with a WHY. For me, on those days that don't seem to go my way, I spend time with my family (my WHY!) and I gain a whole new perspective of gratitude.
Kent Clothier, about 9 years ago
I know exactly what you mean Kent! When i have a funk day...my kids go to school during the day so that is my me time but then I take the night to be with them it mostly ends up being a take out night haha...My accountability group and I text each other EVERY morning and night about what it is we are grateful for...maybe find someone you can do that with also!
I appreciate the feedback I LOVE IT!
Natalie Vega, about 9 years ago