Average Rents in Chicago by neighborhood (2015)
I decided to analyze Chicago rent prices.
This analysis is based on rentals from 2015.
I analyzed over 17,000 closed rental transactions!
This might come in handy if you are thinking about
investing in a certain neighborhood.
It also helps when you are looking to rent out an apartment.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Until the next time,
Mark Killion
Real Estate Broker
Kale Realty
Visit me online: www.773property.com
Comments (4)
Hi @Mark Killion, Great info! Would you happen to have an updated one for 2016 ?
Gabriel R., about 8 years ago
@Gabriel R.
Thanks for the feedback.
I haven't done a new analysis yet for 2016.
But it should be coming within a week or so.
Mark Killion, about 8 years ago
Hello Isaac.
Thanks for the feedback.
The datasource is the MLS.
So this only includes rentals that were listed by a real estate broker.
It would not include "For Rent By Owner" transactions.
Mark Killion, about 8 years ago
This is a great analysis and I'm sure it will be helpful to many investors looking at the Chicago area. What's the data source?
Isaac Taylor, about 8 years ago