Top Complaints & Praises in Online Reviews of Property Managers
Tuesday, May 25
*The above word clouds are comprised of actual words and phrases from the 3,000 reviews we surveyed. In my last article we covered some of the results from our survey of almost 3,000 reviews of property management companies on Yelp and Yahoo Local (read it first). We found that while there was a...
Surveying 3000 Property Management Reviews
Friday, May 07
Over the last five years customer rating and reviews sites have exploded onto the scene as a major force in the buying and decision making process for consumers. From sites built around reviews like Yelp, to internet yellow pages (IYP’s) which have incorporated them as an important feature, onlin...
Indemnification and Boiler Plate Items
Saturday, December 19
In continuation from our last article, here are more items to pay attention to in the property management contracts you review:Liability and Indemnification All contracts will have a section that addresses what the management company can and cannot be held liable for. Some contracts are broader a...
Contract Termination
Friday, December 18
In continuation from our last article, here are more items to pay attention to in the property management contracts you review:Term (AKA "Duration of agreement", "Retainer period") Most management companies require a 1-2 year contract period with very few offering month to month services. Bear in...
Responsibilities and Representations
Thursday, December 17
While contracts can range in size from 3-10 pages, 5-6 is average. Some are comprehensive, while others are very basic. While we can't tell you what exactly what the agreements you see will look like, there is a good bet they will contain some of the items outlined below. Remember that each manag...
What to Look for In a Property Management Contract
Wednesday, December 16
Note: This is designed to be a helpful overview of property management contracts, but keep in mind that I am not a lawyer and this does not constitute legal advice. The contract you sign with a property management company should not be viewed as a mere formality, but rather the sole determiner of...